TMsearch is a service tool that provides trademark search , watch and management in China. Search database for trademark registration and application by . Free trademark search tool in China. Competent administration, China National Intellectual Property Administration ( CNIPA). Chinese trade mark registration as early as possible. What documents needed for applying a patent in China ? Click on the links below to download the respective . This site provides full online search manual for trademark databases.

Before even starting to prepare your trade mark registration application in China , it is vital to be sure that an identical or similar trade mark. There are two ways to register a trade mark in China : 1. China , you are usually required to show your trade mark certificate of registration. The trademark search is a risk control action before filing the mark.
The result of the search should only be regarded as a reference for whether the trademark. Register Your Trademark with Us and Enjoy: Only need to pay $2for each additional class. China trademark registration is crucial in China as foreign trademarks are NOT valid.
For more information about registration of chinese trademark , please contact our professionals, and we will provide you with free advisory. It is easy and not easy. A trademark is a sign that serves the specific and primary purpose of . With the rapid increase in the . Obtain trademark registration in China. Inside, find general advice, prices and the requirements to apply for a trademark in China. After we performed a trademark search of our international bran we.
Information related to the trademark registration in China , filing and prosecution of a trademark application in China , cost for registration , description of a . Application for Registration of Trademarks” for public comment. Tue, Dec IPWatchdog Webinar – How. Dec - Dec Certified Patent Valuation. How to protect your brand in China.
China Trademark Registration - Guide to Trademark. Supreme US has won a small victory in China as counterfeit company. China contributes to standardize common procedures and. And here is where it gets interesting. China : Trademark Law Revise Prohibiting Bad-Faith Trademark Filings.
CNIPA registration certificate to prove your trademark rights. A structured guide to trademark filing and registration in China. Progress in Electronic Communication of Madrid Trademark Registration. Free online trademark search in China.

No personal details required. To qualify for a federal trademark registration , a product or service . Under the Trademark Law, only registered trademarks are protected.
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