SQL Keywords Reference. We can use the keyword DESC to sort the data in descending order and the keyword ASC to sort in ascending order. Some databases sort the query in . Sorting of data is done using the SELECT command and it can be done on strings, number as well as date data types. Records can be returned in ascending or descending . ASC sorts the result set in ascending order by expression. ORDER BY allows sorting by one or more columns.

It depends on the user that, whether to order them in ascending or descending order. Specifying ASC in order by clause is optional. Your result are indeed ordered correctly. It orders by Country first, THEN it orders by CustomerName.
Within Argentina, your Customers are . If not the system assumed the sorting is ascending. Secon use ASC to sort the result set in ascending order and DESC to sort the result. ASC : Specifies that the should be returned in ascending order. If the order is not specifie ASC is the default.
DESC : Specifies that the should be . As you can see the rows are sorted in ascending order by the DOB column, but . When you use the SELECT statement to query data from a table, the order of rows in the result set is unspecified. You may return the complete sorted. Oracle sorts query in ascending order by. Whenever you need to sort your data in ascending or descending order , you can use it. Optional — Sort in either ascending order ( ASC ), or descending order ( DESC ). DESC clause will always place NULL values first.
You are ordering rows of data, not each column separately. By default the sorting order is ascending , but it can be explicitly set in the JQL string. It is often easier to examine query output when the rows are sorted in some meaningful way. The default sort order is ascending , with smallest values first.

With default ascending sort order , NULL values sort at the end. For example when sorted in ascending order , NULLs come first. Sql order by tutorials and introduction. Listing of records in Descending and ascending orders.
The $ orderby operator sorts the of a query in ascending or descending order. To sort alphanumeric values is unique. DESC ) order or an ascending ( ASC ) order. How to order a queryset in ascending or descending order ? For ascending QuerySet. A sorting operator arranges the elements of the collection in ascending or descending . You can use order by a statement to retrieve . Linq orderby sorting operator with example.
In linq orderby is used to sort list of values in ascending order by default. GROUP BY also sorts in ascending order by default. If missing, the are sorted in an ascending order.
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